Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Day 7. Trenches, pipes, blocks

Today Mr Digger arrives at 8:15 (possibly not quite the work ethic of P+P, or poss because he knows he will be finished the first bit and awaiting someone else, which indeed happens) and starts up. He finishes demolishing the side and end walls (I query this, because at one point the end wall was to stay, but apparently BTB has decided it will be easier to take it down and rebuild it. And anyway we need stuff to put into the soakaway). He uses the digger to pick up the rubble and dump it in, and at one point I even help out by shovelling it back into a pile. I then have to restrain D from helping too much. Anyway, we need to get off to school.

On return, I mkae him some tea, and in return he is prising up the patio slabs.

When I leave with E at 10:30 the digging has stopped for a bit while he awaits... something builderly. SoBTB is here with him.

Back after 4 and there are big changes. The rubble is all gone; there is a trench dug to the soakaway, the slabs are all stacked somewhere; there are some big pipes (mid right in picture) and some grey concrete beams (I think; top right). Also there is some orange plastic fencing around the whole, for no especially obvious reason. This morning, I had been a bit concerned about the digger hacking up the grass as it too-and-fro'd dumping rubble, and slightly harrumphing to myself that it would cause less hassle with a wheelbarrow. But, now, all that is a bit irrelevant as the grass has a trench dug through it...

On a minor note, the plumber (who I've never met) has been and capped off the outside water pipe and put a tap on it, so they have a water source and can use the loo.


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