Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Day 20: Joinery

Again no actual work, but when I got back at lunchtime (with Phil A, who kindly fixed our boiler, by the cunning expedient of pushing the button *in* not *sideways*) some joinery was being delivered, in the shape of our window/door frames. And a bit later the little panes of glass that will go just under the roof and create a cute "floating" effect arrive. Somewhat later I find SoBtB and Ian discussing something; I join in. We talk about schedules (the roof is due on Saturday) and lighting (now the roof is new, we can have ceiling lights, which I prefer, but we need to decide where). SoBtB comments on the mess in the garden, noting that he would have had to have words with someone, but that it looks like the kids work: and indeed it is, almost a Goldsworthy type "installation" of a meandering path of offcuts of white painted wood. Remind him about soakaway, which needs finishing.

nb: day 19 was last friday, but nothing happened. BtB has phoned to explain this, keen not to appear to be slowing down.


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