Friday, May 20, 2005

Day 32-35: Door frames and insulation

I'll count saturday against their days, so days 32-34 were tuesday to thursday, in which nothing happened, except that on tuesday the next bill came in, and on wednesday I talked to Ian who talked to Gavin who said "oops I was expecting that" because BtB is off on hols on the norfolk broads.

But today the carpenter(s) turned up at 8 (its been so long, we've forgotten that) and started hammering out the temporary frames. While I had breakfast D watched as they attached stainless steel connectors to them and attached them in place, with much noisy drilling. We left them to it; by 2:30 the frames are in place and many of the sheets of insulation that have been lying around are on the outside walls. They are light foam faced with aluminium foil and seem to get cut to shape, then covered in wire mesh, the whole then fixed to the wall by special plastic screw/plug things.

Ian comes round to do his end-of-week round up about 3:15 so I mention the sacks of cement left in the fron garden; the Demolition Man (who I think is only round for a chat with his friend the carpenter) gets the task of moving them to a neat pile in the back. I'm never really sure if I'm allowed to ask them stuff like this so always go via Ian.

Next comes putting the doors into the frames (poss preceded by painting them, and the door sills need a coat of varnish or two), then glazing them, then onto the insides.


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