Friday, May 27, 2005

Day 40. Limestone.

No work today, but when I get back there are 3 tonnes of limestone (for hardcore) in the drive in 1 tonne bags. But... I've just been talking to Gavin, who said that he was awaiting 4 tonnes for #2. And the delivery note says 2 BW, with 28 S'dale in brackets. And the driver said something about it "being out of the way" here. So I leave a slightly intemperate message on Ians phone, since this dumping stuff is getting a bit over the top: in that we have a skip blocking our drive that is only 1/4 full of our stuff: it also has about 1/4 of **other peoples** stuff, which the builders have been dumping from other jobs, which I resent: we have little enough space as it is without being used as a dumping ground. And if they are going to wait for it to fill up, it will be here for weeks on end (especially as the limestone now blocks it). And there are piles of insulation (again for phase 2, which is not yet agreed) cluttering up the back garden. And the soakaway isn't turfed over. And the asbestos is still there. So a lot of things have piled up, literally.

(Saturday) Well, being intermperate works wonders, because first Ian then Bob comes over to talk. Bob apologies, explains that the limestone *is* for us, but yes he is being a bit presumptuous, promises to shift the skip a bit sooner, and address the other stuff. Hopefully this will happen.


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