Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Day 208. Yet more plumbing, and a start at the 'lectric

Pete tPP around again, and yet more pipes disappear up into the loft. I did 100 ft yesterday, he says, and will do more today. But he really needs Carl the electrician to fix up some power for him. Off we go...

...and when I come back (by coincidence, with Ian) Carl is outside, hoping to get in, since Pete phoned him. Pete is off (its 3!) so we let Carl in and discuss moving the electricity and gas meters to outside (about £1k). Then Carl takes a quick look in the loft (oh! He's used copper pipes! He normally uses plastic) and then is off till tomorrow.

I point out that you can see the floor joists through a panel in the back bit; Ian points out that this will be opaque! Roof tiles OK too.


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