Friday, May 26, 2006

Day 301: plastering, plumbing, flooring, planking

Hmm, seems a reasonably active day, though a bit frustrating and messy at the end.

Pete plasters the study ceiling, though this does rather lead to a measure of mess and plaster on the old cooker. Hmpf.

Paul does some more work at the front, removing the old concrete and adding a second plank. Sadly he can't finish today, though he is last out, and reports that he will be off at Norfolk next week.

Brian does more plumbing, good, though can't quite finish due to lack of bits.

Barry the chippie is floor laying, and gets the new bedroom done and some stuff elsewhere, inc half E's room. He would have kept going, but ran out of plywood, due to someones ordering mixup. Sigh.

Hors-serie: Brian comes in on monday, which is a bank hol, to do some stuff. Not sure exactly what (hopefully the bit that needed our florr coming up); will check with him tomorrow.


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