Thursday, February 23, 2006

Day 220. 'ole

No plasterers today, just Pete the bricklayer on his own, to cut a hole (joke from D: a man is trapped in an impervious chamber, with only a table inside. How does he escape? Answer: knocks his head against the wall until it is sore. Then uses the saw to cut the table in half. Then puts it together to make a whole. And escapes through the hole...) from the new side extension into E's bedroom. Since this also involves removing the wall that holds up the radiator, Pete tPP makes a brief appearance to lay the radiator down, since the hole may be there for a while (at least a week).

I come back after taking E to school, to finish shuffling things around (you can see from that pic that we pinned paper over the shelves; we'd had to dismantle E's sleeping nest on the floor; she and D are having fun sleeping in the same room for a bit). There is some chance of a door downstairs too, so I move the dining table. But, as you see from the pic, Pete didn't get through the upstairs (he was alone, which must have made things tricky).

Note space for new lintel above the block of infill bricks. The arco pole holding things up isn't really needed - he only put that in as he was going. The insulation sheet is just propped up in the hole; but all is secure because the side now locks, ta ra!

Tomorrow: rest of bricks out, maybe some work on the outer brick course downstairs, but no cut into the dining room we hope.


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