Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Day 337. Pink

I don't seem to be doing such a good job of updating this... mostly just hoping for the work to be over, with little success.

So, since last time, the painters have been steadily painting and the floor has steadily extended. Now it is down everywhere except the top-of-the-stairs, and in the entranceway and the music-room-to-be. We've scratched some of it already :-(

Today the plasterers came to put on the topcoat of stuff onto the render. Its supposed to be "like thick paint". Its pink, but it doesn't seem to me to be thick enough - the swirls underneath are still visible. It doesn't help that the instructions are in German. Shall I take a copy to Nikola?

We still need... skirting boards down (and painted). Painting in bathroom, shower room, kitchen, dining room. By friday? Hmmm... I doubt it.


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