Friday, February 24, 2006

Day 221. More 'ole

Ah, *that* is what was puzzling me as I was tidying up in the bedroom: why doesn't the curtain rail fit back over the gap? The answer being (as yesterdays pic shows) that the doorway doesn't fit exactly into where the window was, but extends a bit across.

Anyway, today Pete finishes off the cut upstairs, and for good measure also cuts out the outer shell of brick for the corresponding lower door, but leaves the inner one in place, which is nice for our habitability. Also the new lintels upstairs and down are in place.

Paul is around today and a certain amount of clear-up takes place outside. Though I'm surprised how full our skip looks... till I realise that much of the earth comes from Kate and Chris on BW. *We* still have a pile of earth in the front garden from the trench for the new water pipe: its been filled in for days, but of course what came out won't go back in. OTOH Paul has done a fair tidy up near the new front door and all the brick rubble is gone from inside the new side.

On saturday (fine, sunny, cold) I take the remaining roof tiles into the back and stack them neatly. One more bit of the garden returned to us.

I hoover a bit in what was D+E's bedroom on friday; but its not till sunday that I finally clean it enough to put the bed and mattresses back in. So now the landing is mostly clear again. E could probably sleep there still, but the opening is not secure, so won't until I/the builders put a sheet of ply across it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you got any idea how many people read blog-the-builder? I’m trying to convince my brother-in-law – Jack – that he should start a blog. He’s a builder and generally sound entertaining guy. I’d read his blog anyway. You blog lots, I’d be interested in hearing what blogging does for you and how many people read a blog about building. Have you got any thoughts on how I might persuade Jack to put a blog on the website I built for him for Christmas
I was also wondering if the builders know your blogging about their work? Is it a cunning way of making them do a good job at your place?

9:29 AM  
Blogger William M. Connolley said...

How many? Not that many! My parents in law are known too, though. The builder knows about it - he has never commented!

As to setting up a blog - doing it via blogspot, or some other such thing, is trivially easy. Either link from your website or there is some complex thing that blogspot supports for "publish elsewhere".

6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks. Re my query on your blogs and whether or not the builder knows. There is someone in New Zeeland having a stab at getting retribution for “being ripped off” by a builder . A case blogging the stable door after the horse has bolted. Hum.

1:16 PM  
Blogger William M. Connolley said...

Hey, that could be a fun site. Shame it seems to be just a title page at the moment!

1:37 PM  

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